Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Importance Of Listening In Communication

The importance of listening in communication is enormous. People often focus on their speaking ability believing that good speaking equals good communication. The ability to speak well is a necessary component to successful communication. The ability to listen is equally as important.

The importance of listening in communication is often well illustrated when we analyze our listening skills with those closest to us. In particular I am referring to our spouse, partner, children or friends. Pay attention to the everyday conversations we have with these people with whom we think we communicate well.

Goal Setting

Do you ever find yourself mindlessly saying "uh huh" when one of these folks is trying to tell you something only to have say just after "I'm sorry what did you say?" Have you been in a conversation with one of them and you are not really listening completely to what they have to say because you are too busy formulating your response?

The Importance Of Listening In Communication

This is actually quite common and yet we think we are good communicators. In order to communicate effectively we have to be able to hear what the other person is saying. Not just hear because the acoustics are good or because the other person is speaking in a loud enough tone. It is important that we hear what the person is saying because we have taken the time to actively listen.

Listening takes work and when it comes to improving our communication there is no getting around that. When we are listening to music or watching T.V. we can certainly let our minds wander. If we want our communication skills to get stronger it is important that we not day dream in a conversation but instead concentrate fully on what the other person is saying.

No doubt this can be difficult. Not every conversation we are in is particularly interesting. If however, we want to improve these skills focus is important even when dealing with younger children and teenagers.

Allowing the person to completely finish their thought before you begin to form a response is also crucial to good listening. To take it even one step further wait a moment before you begin to reply. This gives the other person a chance to add anything else they may have thought of. By waiting an additional moment before you reply you also let the other person know they have been heard completely. If you practice this for a time people will relax when conversing with you because they will know that they don't have to rush to get their two cents in. They will appreciate the fact that they can communicate with you and be heard.

When having those important conversations with the people closest to you, try taking it one step further and repeating back what they said "what I heard you say is you are uncomfortable..." By doing this you give the other person the opportunity to correct any misconceptions that may have occurred or to clarify any points they were trying to make. This heightens the level of communication you are enjoying. And the person you are communicating with will certainly feel respected and important given the care you are taking with the conversation.

The technique of repeating back for clarity had been extremely useful when I have had conversations with my teenagers. It also comes in handy when speaking with a spouse or partner. Often times in those situations we begin to assume we know what the other person means. Allowing them to express themselves completely actually allows for greater intimacy, something we often desire in our relationships but wonder why we are not achieving.

The importance of listening in communication is something worthwhile to consider. Good listeners are often some of the best speakers because they have taken the time to find out what people are truly interested in. If you understand what is important to people than you understand how to reach them.

The strategies I spoke about are just as effective in the workplace especially in sales. If you are really listening to what your customer wants it will be that much easier to fulfill their needs. The customer will be impressed that you listened to what they were communicating instead of just going into sales mode. I have personally found in sales that the more I listened and the less I talked the better my sales ratio was and the more satisfied my clients were. That is a win-win situation for all involved.

The Importance Of Listening In Communication

Maureen Staiano is a Life Coach specializing in working with women and the unique challenges, opportunities and transitions we face in our lives. Please visit me:

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Four C's of Team Goal Setting

Goals are a great way to improve team performance. Clear goals with measurable standards must be developed and agreed upon with the team. One simple way to help determine what team goals should be is to utilize the four C's of goal setting. The C's stand for goal clarity, measurable criteria, worthwhile challenge, and team commitment.

Clarity in a team goal means it is easily understood by all members involved. The definition of the goal is specific enough that there is no misunderstanding about what is to be accomplished and the team fully understands what is expected of them. With a clear goal, those working towards achieving it will know what they need to do or learn in order to meet their target objective. Clarification assures the team understands why the goal is a worthwhile and relevant one for them to work towards.

Goal Setting

Criteria spelled out in a goal are the performance measures that must be reached in order for the team to know they have hit their target. The criterion is a unit of measure in quantity or percentage to be accomplished during a specified timeframe and agreed to by the team. Having this criterion provides regular feedback for the team along the course of the goal so they can make adjustments to their work and behaviors. Without this information, it is hard for the team to understand their reward and recognition structure, develop their work plan, and ask for adjustments or help with barriers when necessary.

The Four C's of Team Goal Setting

Challenge within the goal is a way to give the team the opportunity to stretch their skills and show what they can do. A meaningful goal should not just maintain the status quo or accomplish a little more. Instead it should motivate the team to stretch themselves without breaking down their spirits or greatly interfering with their quality procedures or necessary routine tasks. A goal that is too small or too large can be more damaging than it is challenging or motivating.

Commitment is the team agreeing to the responsibility and accountability of reaching the goal. The best way to get team commitment is for the team to participate in the goal setting process. The team must understand how their goal fits with the organization's visions, mission, and objectives. For the team to commit to any goal, they must be involved in the decision making process and receive the appropriate information or training to know what they can accomplish and why it is important.

Utilize the C's for building team goal clarity, assigning measurable criteria, giving a worthwhile challenge, and getting full team commitment. The four C's are an easy method of determining what team goals should be. Clear team goals with agreed to measurements are one of the best ways to improve team performance.

The Four C's of Team Goal Setting

Shirley Fine Lee, author of "R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard's Approach", has worked as a training and development specialist since 1986, and an independent consultant since 2000. She has extensive experience, helping organizations with their team building, training development, meeting facilitation, presentation delivery, and other communication needs. This work involves developing productivity tools, presenting workshops, and writing. For instance, she has authored numerous training manuals and guides, on a wide variety of topics. Her programs include time management, getting organized, problem solving, and team building. Sign up for Shirley's free productivity newsletter on her website or visit her leadership blog. Find out more about her and options she provides on her website at

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Importance of Patient Education in the Hospital Setting

Shorter hospital stays related to cost containment with managed care, make another area important. That is patient education.

In hospitals who set the highest standards and have the budgetary ability for its support,there is a patient education department or at least the ability to provide to patient educational material. In most hospitals the nursing standards includes the provision of education to patients and families along with the appropriate literature related to their illness and incorporates this into nursing care.

Goal Setting

Budget cutting that excludes the process of patient education falls short in meeting the needs of patients and fails miserably in our health care system.

Importance of Patient Education in the Hospital Setting

What does this mean to a patient? It means from the time you enter a hospital until and including their discharge, there should be ongoing information provided.

It begins with instruction on the use of your call bell, with essential confirmation that you understand by feedback to your nurse. All the questions you are asked provide healthcare staff of important information, such as any allergies you may have. A wrist band should include your name and allergies.

Every procedure that is done to you as a patient should be preceded by an explanation as to what it is evaluating and how it is done.

Everytime a medication is administered to you, its name and action should be explained along with the provision of printed educational material.

When there is a change in your condition requiring a new plan of care you and your family should have input into it.

If you or your family member needs additional support not available through the hospital such as your community or religious support, they can be notified. Patient confidentiality prevents the hospital from making your stay there public.

Do not fear the hospital environment, but be alert to anything unusual, if your medication looks different or if you are suddenly being whisked off for a test you have not been advised of, notify your nurse. Make sure the hospital staff uses your last name in your care with frequent checks of your ID band.

When your injury or illness causes you pain. It is best to request medication before it becomes too severe as it will take time for the nurse to visit you and then obtain it for you. They should be using a pain scale to assess your pain and to be sure your pain relief is adequate.

Remember your nurse and your doctor should also be your teachers.

It is critical that any sudden pain or distress, such as chest pain or shortness of breath,be addressed promptly and it is most appropriate to call out for help if there is a delay in answering your call bell.

At the time of your discharge from the hospital, which can be overnight or a day or two.You should be given in writing discharge instructions with a verbal review for you and your family It should include new medications how they are to be taken and matching literature for reinforcement. It should advise diet and activity level, as well as return visit with doctor. There should be phone numbers and instructions for contact in the event of any complications.

In this harried time in health care try to understand the hospital has to triage in the emergency room,that means that the most critically ill patient must be seen first and often that means you must wait your turn. For non emergency type health problems it is best to use the office visit.

Ask questions freely, the harried staff will appreciate this and will give you clarifications rather then having things come undone through misunderstandings.

We are all part of this system as it is today,those who care for you also get ill and experience the same frustrations as everyone else. But, with all its imperfections, we have made great advances in healthcare and most of us will have a better quality of life because of it.

Importance of Patient Education in the Hospital Setting

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Goal Setting Tips for Sales Professionals

Have you ever been there? I'm talking about one of those sales meetings where your manager is hot under the collar because everyone's sales numbers are below target. You all get challenged, maybe even threatened that things had better turn around. You leave the meeting knowing your job is on the line and you have an enormous knot in your stomach.

The anxiety is from the uncertainty of sales itself. Sales is one of those positions where a lot of things are beyond your control. Unless you have learned the art of mind control, the final sale is someone else's decision, not yours.

Goal Setting

I am not saying that your efforts make no difference, far from it, but much of sales is about increasing the odds that they will buy. If you do not learn how to become a better sales person then chances are your odds will remain low to ever close a sale. But if you learn the art of selling and stick to your most important activities, you increase your odds. Remember, no one can close 100% of the time.

Goal Setting Tips for Sales Professionals

One of the most powerful tools you can have in your sales kit is Goal Setting. When done properly, goal setting can make the difference between you being an average salesperson and the top of the class. Here is how you use the power of goal setting to make more sales.

Goal setting tips for a sales professional:

As a sales professional try and avoid setting goals for how many sales you want to make. This sounds counter to everything you hear but stick with me. Many sales professionals will start the goal setting process with something like this, "Make 4 sales this month" and that's it. While it is fine to have a number in your head and we all need something to aim at, we have to make sure our goal setting goes a few steps further.

What activities are you going to have to do to give yourself the best chances of making 4 sales this month? Best practices abound in every sales industry. The sad reality is only a minority actually stick to them. In your industry what are the daily things you must do to make sales? If you do not know you had better find out. Your sales manager should know, because he or she was probably promoted because they made a lot of sales. Who in your office right now is making a lot of sales? Success leaves clues, go and find out what they are doing. Once you have this information it is time to do a little goal setting.

I want to give you an example of a three pronged attack for goal setting by focusing on sales activities, personal development, and motivation.

Goal Setting in Sales Activities

Let's say you find out that to give yourself the best chances of filling your pipeline and making sales you need to:

Make 30 cold calls a day to try and set up meetings

Call all of your past clients and ask for referrals

Send out an email newsletter to keep in touch with prospective clients.

Goal Setting in Personal Development

You also know that you need to work on some of your closing techniques. Others have told you that you are not aggressive enough in your sales cycle so you need to figure out a way to change that. Not leaving anything to chance you decide to do a little goal setting in this area:

Ask the most aggressive salesperson in your office if you can shadow them for a morning.

Read a book that just came out on closing the sale.

Ask 5 of your colleagues that are good at closing to glean information from them.

Goal Setting to keep your Motivation

You also know that in the past you have set some lofty goals but then you run out of steam and get discouraged. As a sales professional you can use goal setting to help you keep your motivation strong. Maybe for you it is:

Every morning read over you mission statement.

Once a week go for lunch with one of the more inspiring salespeople from the office.

Watch the movie "The Pursuit of Happiness" once this month.

So now you have a list of specific and measurable goals for you to focus on this month. Now your goal setting has been taken to the next level. In review, your goals for the next month are:

Sales Activities

o Make 30 cold calls a day to try and set up meetings

o Call all of your past clients and ask for referrals

o Send out an email newsletter to keep in touch with prospective clients.

Personal Growth

o Ask the most aggressive salesperson in your office if you can shadow them for a morning.

o Read a book that just came out on closing the sale.

o Ask 5 of your colleagues that are good at closing to glean information from them.


o Every morning read over my mission statement.

o Once a week go for lunch with one of the more inspiring salespeople from the office.

The last step you need to take in this goal setting process is to create a system to keep track of your progress. Make a spreadsheet, or write it out on paper. Place it where you can see it everyday. Goal setting is more effective when you keep your goals constantly in front of you.

Another good idea is to share the plan with your manager for input. They will be able to give you some excellent feedback and maybe add a goal or two to your goal setting list list. This will also show your manager that you are motivated and really working hard at making those sales. While your manager wonders what everyone else is doing with their time, he or she will know exactly what you are doing.

By engaging in proper goal setting for the activities that are going to bring you closer and closer to those 4 sales, you take a lot of the stress and anxiety out of your day. Goal setting in this fashion, gives you a sense of control over your life, your success and your future as a sales professional.

Goal Setting Tips for Sales Professionals

And if you really want to make great progress on your sales goals, take the Summit Challenge; the online goal setting game guaranteed to help you reach your peak potential. In addition to creating the Summit Challenge James Robbins also delivers keynotes on personal excellence and leadership issues such as employee retention and creating engaging workplaces. To find out more about the Summit Challenge, go to

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Friday, May 18, 2012

Getting More New Affiliates Into Your Affiliate Program

To get more new affiliates to your affiliate program, you have to position yourself as a leader in the marketplace, and offer good information. Some of the people who are signed up to your email newsletter are competent internet marketers, and if they feel that your information is well worth it, they will take on the role as an affiliate, and start promoting your product for you.
An email newsletter is a great way to position yourself as the obvious expert in your niche. As the obvious expert, you will gain clout in the marketplace, you will get a lot of website traffic, you will get more new affiliates, and you will receive more sales. For those people who want to partake in a joint venture opportunity with you, you can simply show them how they can sign up for your affiliate program and earn money promoting your product.

Now before you continue to market your product via an affiliate program, you will want to make sure that you have your own website. Don't promote anything or don't direct people to your affiliate sign up page unless you have your own website. Anything else will look tacky and unprofessional.

Also, don't try to sell your product via your blog. And what I mean by this is that, don't try and put up a long sales letter on your blog and expect people to promote your book for you. Just spend the $10 a month to have your own website, and lead people to your affiliate sign up page via a page on your website.

Once you've got the website part covered, it's time to get traffic. Website traffic is something that is crucial to your overall success as an online business owner. With no traffic coming through, it will be hard to convince someone to buy from you. There are people who are masters at getting website traffic, but you should know that you don't have to be a master to get traffic... all you need is a good weekly plan.

Now traffic is relevant here because you need to get traffic to your affiliate sign up page. You will want to drive alot of people to this page on your site, and do it in the easiest form as possible. One of the best ways to get traffic to your affiliate sign up page is with affiliate directories.

What you do is create a webpage that details all aspects of your affiliate program, and then submit this page to the affiliate directories. People from all over will stop and view your page, and will consider joining it. But aside from this, there's actually a faster way to start getting affiliates for your product. You can do so easily via Clickbank or Paydotcom.

Both of these websites can help you to get as much exposure as possible for your online business. You will get affiliates immediately, and you will stand to benefit from the expert marketers who are on these sites - so don't take them likely. Sign up to them starting today.

Take these tips and use them to start your own successful affiliate program today.

Good luck with getting more affiliates for your internet business today.

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