Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What's The Key To Getting Results In Your Business?

Here's a question everyone wants to know the answer to! Another way to ask it would be "I feel like I'm doing everything, why aren't I getting results?", or "Why aren't I getting the same results so and so is?"

Why do some individuals get great results and make a lot of money while most just keep on spinning their wheels and going nowhere?

Goal Setting

Is it the marketing? Is it the training? Is it because there's not a system to follow? Could it be a lack of desire or commitment?

What's The Key To Getting Results In Your Business?

The answer to each of these could be "Maybe."

The more realistic response boils down to the basic fact that the majority of people do not have a clue about how to be efficient as far as utilizing their time, to manage themselves and be extremely productive in order to get the results they simply dream about.

There are a lot of different theories on how to be efficient and productive. Most of them seem to be focused on "Time Management". It has to be challenging attempting to manage something that's so limited and therefore so valuable.

Time cannot increase. Time will not change. Time is a constant and it's always on the go. There's never enough time to do all the things we think we have to do.

The bottom line? It's how we manage ourselves in the time we have. Let me repeat this. It's how efficiently and effectively we manage ourselves that directly determines what kind of results we get.

In reading a great piece by Andrew Cass today called "Extreme Productivity Secrets", it became evidently clear how we can make changes so we can get the results we want.

In order to recondition ourselves and develop new patterns, we have to figure out what we want and then erase the old patterns we have allowed to linger for way too long. You know, the ones that have so many people stuck in the comfort rut in which they get so mired down with all the muck of their unaware mindset.

The process starts with knowing what you want. Next comes finding a vehicle having the methodology and potential to take us to our destination and get us what we want and to where we want to be (and maybe even who we want to be).

Structure, organization, focus and discipline are core components that will align us and keep us heading in the right direction.

Mindset and patience are virtues that will keep us energized and keep us from quitting. Quitters never get results. (Though there may be times when tweaking what you are doing can really be beneficial).

Choose a particular time of day when you can laser focus in on the vital revenue producing activities that will get you the results you desire. Think about them in detail. Set them as your daily goals the night before.

Make sure there are NO distractions of any kind. Period. Set up your focus time blocks. Commit to them and make sure you get them done each and every day in line with your productivity plan, preferably first thing in the day

This means making a commitment to yourself. This is not being selfish, which is when someone doesn't care about anyone but themselves.

It is be self-centered, which is the ability to focus on yourself first in order to grow and transform, to make yourself strong. Now you can be strong for others in your life.

It's really important to realize that during your productivity time periods you schedule each day, to put on record to let anyone and everyone know that no matter what there are no distractions allowed. Have the awareness to avoid multi-tasking at all costs. This is poison for productivity.

Design a personal productivity plan and a self-management plan. Figure out what you want, what you need to do and schedule your time blocks or time batches when you will do your most important productive actions, activities that will get you closer to your goals.

Don't give overwhelm an ounce of energy or it will distract you and sap you. Be your own boss and be accountable!

As Andrew Cass says, "Extreme Productivity = Maximum Profits." Commit. Focus. Take daily action. No more procrastination!

Put your productivity plan and self-management plan into action and replace the terrible feeling you get when overwhelm and procrastination are in control, with the feeling of tremendous results so you can be the successful entrepreneur you envision!

What's The Key To Getting Results In Your Business?

Peter Hobler is an Internet Marketing Business Success Coach. His passion is inspiring others to believe in themselves to take action to change their lives so they can realize the potential within themselves to get results and live their dreams and help others do the same. Start to change your life by taking ACTION, today.

Learn more about Peter.

For info about PRO Elite (formerlyCarbonCopyPro) go to: Inspired By PRO

To contact Peter directly, send an email to: or call his office at 314-266-7750.

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