Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Brief Statements of Career Goals - 3 Great Examples of Successful Career Goals

It's important to set goals for yourself, especially when it involves your career. In order to achieve the greatest success possible, you have to firstly make sure that your goals are actually realistic and achievable. Continue reading for real life brief statements of career goals and some useful easy-to-follow steps that can help you get back on the fast track in your career.

What Are Your Goals?

In order to set attainable career goals, It's recommended that you start by reflecting on the following:
In 5 years from now, I want to be... I want to be earning at least... What are the skills I'll need to do this? Will I have to change my career in order to achieve this? "By asking yourself those simple questions, you'll start to get a clearer idea of what you really want from your career and what your going to have to do to achieve it."

Brief Statements of Career Goals - 3 Great Examples of Successful Career Goals

What Are Your Strengths And Skills?

This is Debbie's story...

Debbie worked a receptionist at a large shipping firm, but she wanted to be the CEO's executive assistant one day.

Debbie knew for a fact that she had the skills required to be a great executive assistant, but she wasn't sure how to achieve it.

She started helping other EA's with some small administrative tasks, but all her extra work was still going unnoticed.

Debbie decided that it was time to take action and make sure her work would no longer be ignored and told her manager about her goal. She also asked the manager if there were any training programs she could take up to improve her current skills even more.

The manager put Debbie straight into a training program, three months later she became the executive assistant to one of the director's in the company. She's still got a little way to go in order to achieve her main aim,which is EA to the company CEO. but she's now taken the first steps to getting there.

The lesson...

Determine which are your best strengths and make a list of them. Your strengths don't necessarily have to be work-related, just make sure you include all of your strong points. Remember, different strengths fit into different position's. Once you know which are your skills, you'll know what you're actually capable of achieving. The next step is to take action and make the most of those strengths! Read on for 2 more great brief statements of career goals...

Changing Careers With Your Current Skills

David's story...

David was an accounts manager for just about 7 years, but decided he needed a change. He liked the company he worked for and always got along well with his colleagues, but he wanted a more challenging role in the company.

So, David decided that he would keep using his management skills and build upon them, however it was unlikely that this was going to ever happen at the job he currently had, so he finally decided to change his career.

David now works as a sales manager for a much bigger and well-known corporation. His new target-based job gives him the challenge that he was searching for.

The lesson...

This is one of the best brief statements of career goals. In order to successfully change your career and capitalize on your skills, start off by taking a look at your current role and decide what you'd most like to change. This will give you a good idea of what you don't want to do in your next job so you can successfully find an opportunity more suited to your desires.

How to Obtain New Skills To Go For Your Dreams

Raquel's story...

Raquel had no high education and worked full-time in a clothes store. She had been working there since she left high school, but had always dreamed of a career in fashion. She loved clothes, but didn't want to just sell them.

Raquel knew that she had a small chance of getting a job in the fashion industry with her current skills and experience, so she decided to retrain. She kept her current job but worked part-time, which now supports her fashion and design training course.

The lesson...

When deciding on a new career, always be realistic. For example, if you want to be a teacher, but have absolutely no teaching credentials, it's going to be tough without taking further training. Think about what you want, but also find what it is you must do to make it happen.

All these brief statements of career goals exemplify how you can successfully and easily reach your career goals, regardless of what your current situation is. The key is to decide what it is you really want and then take the necessary action to make it happen. When you do this, success will be yours!

Act Now!

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To View Some Great Products on How to Quickly Reach your Career Goals, Please Visit My Self-Help Website at http://www.Best-Self-Help.com [http://www.best-self-help.com/career/3-examples-of-successful-career-goals/].

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Friday, January 25, 2013

Self-Discipline is Essential to Be What You Want to Be and Reach Your Goals - To Become Great!

All successful people have self-discipline as it is this quality that aids you to reach your goals. Developing self-discipline for success means you are giving yourself and your goals true and proper respect. It affects your ability to see a project through. It allows you to stay focused on your goal.

We are given magnificent 'birth gifts" - talents, capacities, privileges, intelligences, opportunities - that would remain largely unopened except through our own decision and effort.

The pillars of self-discipline is acceptance, will power, hard work, persistence. Self-discipline becomes powerful when combined with passion, goal-setting and planning.

Self-Discipline is Essential to Be What You Want to Be and Reach Your Goals - To Become Great!

Self-discipline is to do the right thing because you want to, not because you have to.

Self-discipline is the ability to get yourself to take action, regardless of your emotional state or how you feel about it.

Self-discipline is to accept responsibility and do what is expected of you. It is the ability to exercise control over one's behaviour or emotions. It is organised resilience. It is the ability to control unnecessary and harmful impulses. It is inner power to overcome the desire to indulge in unnecessary and useless habits and an inner strength.

Self-discipline is to act with integrity. To choose between what is right and what is wrong, to balance individual needs with the needs of others and to understand moral values and follow rules.

Self-discipline is also to manage time, thoughts and physical actions to reach your goal. It is a type of selective training, creating new habits of thought, action, and speech toward improving yourself and reaching your goals. Self-discipline is the active agent that drives inspiration into reality. It gives you the will power to reject immediate satisfaction for something better.

How to Become Self-Disciplined

Be quick to break habits that can break you. Hasten to adopt practices that will become habits to help you succeed.

Everyone wants more self-disciple as it gives us control over our lives. We do want to take charge of ourselves, control our temper, appetite, laziness and more.

No one is born with self-discipline, it is learnt through practice.

Building self-discipline is like building a muscle. The more you train it, the stronger it becomes. As it takes muscle to build muscle, it takes self-discipline to build self-discipline.

The more self-disciplined you become, the easier it gets.

We use progressive weight training to build muscle. This means lifting weights that are close to your limit. Similarly, to build self-discipline, is to tackle challenges that can be successfully accomplished but which are near your limit. It is not trying and failing; it is not staying in your comfort zone. You will gain no strength trying to lift a weight that you cannot budge, nor weights that are too light.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Setting Goals - Why They Are Important

Goals are important at all stages of your life. They give you a feeling of happiness and satisfaction when you achieve them, and a feeling of enthusiasm and excitement as you set out to accomplish them. They are also important in improving many other aspects of your life: your self-image, self confidence, self-esteem, and your happiness in general. Not only do they improve your well-being, but they also improve you as a person. They increase your abilities, they strengthen your strong points and they help overcome your weaknesses, and also of importance, they make you forget yourself and your everyday problems. When you're busy trying to accomplish your goals, you're too busy to worry about personal problems.

The first thing you have to do is think seriously about what your goals are. Be realistic, but don't be afraid of shooting too high. Maybe it's to make a certain amount of money, or become an accomplished athlete, or a successful musician. Whatever it is, fix it firmly in your mind, then write it down. It's also important at this stage to picture yourself accomplishing it. This helps create a deep desire within yourself for achieving it, which is important. Let it become a burning desire.

Writing down your goal is the first step, but of course you also need to set up a program for accomplishing it, and it should also be written down. In short, you have to have a plan, and it must be detailed. Set it up so that you know what you are going to be doing each day, and what you will accomplish each week and each month.

Setting Goals - Why They Are Important

Finally, you have to give yourself a time limit. It's no good to work towards your goal without having any idea of when it is to be achieved. You have to say, "I will accomplish this by May 1," or whatever date you decide. Again, be realistic, so you don't feel let down if you don't reach it. If your goal is to lose, say, 30 pounds, then set yourself a goal of losing 10 pounds a month for three months.

Many people prefer to have milestones, or short-term, goals along their path to the final goal, and this is a good idea. For example, if your goal is to run a mile in 4:20, begin with a goal of five minutes, then try to improve to 4:40 over the next six months, and 4:20 over the following six months. This will give you a feeling of accomplishment as you reach each of the short-term goals, and it will help keep you on course.

One of the problems with goals is that many people eventually give up. For a goal to have meaning you must take it seriously -- very seriously. This means you must have determination, and one of the best ways to keep this determination is to develop tremendous enthusiasm and excitement for what you are doing. Don't let it become a chore; don't let it become boring. A good way to make sure you do this is to keep your eye on the final objective.

Persistence is the key; don't let anything stop you, and keep telling yourself that you're never going to give up until you have achieved what you want. Everyone has disappointments when they start out on a path such as this, but don't let them get to you. Don't let them get in your way. Success is possible if you keep at it.

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Barry Parker is a professor emeritus (physics) at Idaho State University. He is the author of 22 books on science, health, writing, and music. His website is http://www.BarryParkerbooks.com and he has several blogs, one of them is at http://www.Barrysbuzz123.blogspot.com - He has done research in biophysics (mutations in the DNA molecule) and in relativity theory (Einstein's field theory), has a strong interest in health and fitness, self-improvement, and in music (particularly piano). He taught a writing class at ISU for several years. His most recent book is "Feel Great Feel Alive."

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Are You A Goal Oriented Person?

Would you consider yourself a goal oriented person? Are you the type of person who has to constantly strive for something, because if you do not you feel like you are lost. If so congratulations most people tend to not be goal oriented. If you are not a goal oriented person; you can learn how to become one.

A goal oriented person is a person who always succeeds in life. They have a strict mindset of what they want to accomplish and have. They are very smart people who are always willing to take the necessary risks to accomplish their dreams. Anyone can set a goal it is not hard. However what takes more is having the persistence to reach it. It requires hard work, dedication, faith confidence and courage. You must realize that you will not reach your goals overnight; sometimes it may take a long time in reaching the goals you set for yourself. They understand that they must have realistic time lines to reach your goals. The problem with most people is that they expect instant gratification. If something does not happen when they expect it to; they get upset and end up quitting working towards their goals.

A goal oriented person understands this and they have learned how to develop the burning desire that it requires to achieve what you desire in life.

Are You A Goal Oriented Person?

However sometimes when things take a while they may fall off of track. They understand that it is okay; and they always end up getting back on track. Can you honestly say this is how you approach your goals? You can learn how to accomplish anything you desire in life. However it all starts with a goal that you have a burning desire to achieve. Without the motivation; you will never accomplish anything you want.

Yes it will take some sort of risk after all pursuing your dreams can be a little risky. You must be able to get over the fear of failure and understand that you can achieve what you truly desire. They understand that they must set realistic goals if they are to accomplish them. Can you actually see yourself accomplishing your dreams?

There is nothing different between someone who achieves success and someone who does not. Except for the fact that the successful people are always willing to work towards their goals. So what are you waiting for? Your desires are right around the corner if you are just willing to begin taking small steps towards them. Why not begin now and be grateful that you did; rather than keep using excuses not to begin and then end up regretting that you never had the courage to pursue your dreams.

You will find that if you just take the first step; it is not as hard as some people make it seem. You will become passionate about life again; because you will realize that you do possess the potential to be do have anything you desire and you will pass on this belief to your children.

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Monday, January 14, 2013

How Much Weight Should I Lose - Calculate Your Goal Weight

Wondering how much weight should I lose? If you're asking yourself this question then I'll assume you have decided that you want to lose weight. But you need to determine your objective even BEFORE you begin to lose weight.

Studies suggest that people who set realistic weight loss goals for themselves are much more likely to lose weight and keep the weight off for the long-term. We all know that crash diets and yo-yo dieting just do not work.

The key part to maintaining weight loss is choosing the right goal weight for you and your body type.

How Much Weight Should I Lose - Calculate Your Goal Weight

But how?

Use the Weight Loss Formula:

Setting a realistic goal for what you ideal weight should be it the first step in determining how much weight should I lose. Once your ideal weight is determined you simply need to find the difference between your current weight and your ideal weight and this will tell you how much weight you need to lose. Rather than strive to lose this total amount all at one time, break your weight loss down in to smaller ATTAINABLE goals. Setting unrealistic goals is one of the biggest hindrances to those trying to achieve weight loss. It can cause you to become discouraged, self-loathing and even malnourished too. Listen to my advice: setting the small goals will help you see success and ultimately help you stick with your program.

Calculating your BMI or "Body Mass Index" is an important 1st step to determining how much weight should I lose. There are websites available to help you calculate your own BMI but the basic calculation, or scientific formula is:

Weight in pounds x 703 divided by (height in inches)²

If that sounds complicated you just need to find a calculator!

Once you have calculated this number, you will be able to see if your weight level is within the ideal weight range of how much weight I should lose. Here are a few BIM tips:
If your BMI is under 18.5, than you are considered to be underweight The ideal weight range is between 18.5 and 24, you should try to get your weight to within this range If your weight is between 25 and 30 you are overweight and should try to lose those extra pounds If your BMI is over 30 you are considered to be obese and definitely need to consider losing those extra pounds before it leads to health problems

Use this BMI index as a reference to help you decided how much weight should I lose. There are many factors that also play a big role in answering this question. For example:
age body structure height gender healthy history

These certain factors can cause 2 people who have say, the same height but have different ideal weights that are right for them. You can also easily schedule an appointment with your doctor, who will help you determine what your ideal weight should be.

A slow steady weight loss is the best plan to set in place and has seen the most success. You should plan on losing an average of a couple pounds each week, until you reach that ideal goal weight. Remember, when asking yourself, "How much weight should I lose?" break it down into achievable steps, and choose a well-rounded Diet & Fitness Program that provides you with the resources, motivation and support you need to reach your goals.

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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Goal Setting - Powerful Attitude, Goals and a Plan of Action Can Bring Your Dreams to Reality

Are you ready to make your dreams come true? Are you ready to be the person you want to be? It all starts with a dream, a vision; then we must refuel ourselves with a powerful attitude that will keep us going. Once we have the right attitude we are ready to set our goals and develop a plan of action.

Energize Yourself With A Powerful Attitude

People with a negative attitude have a hard time achieving their goals. They will say things like this: "I am not good enough." "I can't do it." "It's too hard." "I don't have the energy." "This isn't fun." It is difficult to accomplish anything with this attitude.

Goal Setting - Powerful Attitude, Goals and a Plan of Action Can Bring Your Dreams to Reality

My most successful clients have had all sorts of challenges, yet they have a whole different attitude and will make comments like this: "I love my job." "I face challenges head on with tenacity, enthusiasm and take charge of the problem." "I have the willpower and energy to get things done." "The sooner I take care of this problem, the sooner I can move on." "I look forward to completing my tasks daily." I can do it!"

Do you see the difference? A powerful, positive attitude is the fuel you need to get things done. What kind of attitude do you want to have? Give yourself a positive pep talk in the morning. Continue that pep talk during the day and you will have more energy to accomplish your tasks for the day.

Make Goal Setting a Habit

Now that you have refueled yourself with a powerful attitude you are ready to set your goals. Goal setting should be a habit. You set them and review them as needed. You don't set them and forget about them. Review them every morning and determine what tasks you are going to do each day to get you closer to your goal. Know where you are going. Goal setting can increase your self-confidence. Write down your goals now.

Be Clear and Concise with Your Plan of Action

If you don't know where you are going you will not get there. Define your goals and set a plan of action. Some questions you can ask are: 1) What do I want to do for the next 6 months, 12 months, 3 years, or more? 2) Why do I want that? Why is it important to me? 3) What steps (tasks) do I need to take to accomplish it?

The third step can be long and tedious, yet the more detailed you are the easier it will be to accomplish the goal.

Break Down the Tasks One Step at a Time

Define your goal(s) for the week. Identify the results you want, and decide what steps are needed to move forward. Always ask yourself, "What is the next step (task) I must take to get closer to my goal?" Now visualize that next step and identify any potential obstacles and determine how you will handle them. In other words be prepared for anything that might get in the way of achieving your goals. Set a time frame when the task will start and when you plan to finish it. Remember these are the tasks for the week that you will accomplish.

Get a Buddy to Support and Encourage You

Don't do this alone. Find a trusted colleague who is willing to help keep you on track. Phone or send e-mail messages once a week. Let your buddy know where you are and what needs to be achieved for the week. Your buddy's job is to be a cheerleader and ask you how you are doing with your weekly tasks. If you can't finish a weekly task carry it forward to the next week.

Always Know the Results You Want to Achieve

Have a clear vision of what you want the outcome to be. Identify what the next step is and keep the project moving. Now get your calendar or appointment book out and begin setting tasks to do the first week. Take the time every evening to review your goals, tasks that were done and task still to do. Organize them as needed and continue to review your list every day. Energize yourself with a powerful, positive attitude. Stick to your goals and don't let go until they are done. Goal setting can be fun with the right attitude.

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