Monday, January 14, 2013

How Much Weight Should I Lose - Calculate Your Goal Weight

Wondering how much weight should I lose? If you're asking yourself this question then I'll assume you have decided that you want to lose weight. But you need to determine your objective even BEFORE you begin to lose weight.

Studies suggest that people who set realistic weight loss goals for themselves are much more likely to lose weight and keep the weight off for the long-term. We all know that crash diets and yo-yo dieting just do not work.

The key part to maintaining weight loss is choosing the right goal weight for you and your body type.

How Much Weight Should I Lose - Calculate Your Goal Weight

But how?

Use the Weight Loss Formula:

Setting a realistic goal for what you ideal weight should be it the first step in determining how much weight should I lose. Once your ideal weight is determined you simply need to find the difference between your current weight and your ideal weight and this will tell you how much weight you need to lose. Rather than strive to lose this total amount all at one time, break your weight loss down in to smaller ATTAINABLE goals. Setting unrealistic goals is one of the biggest hindrances to those trying to achieve weight loss. It can cause you to become discouraged, self-loathing and even malnourished too. Listen to my advice: setting the small goals will help you see success and ultimately help you stick with your program.

Calculating your BMI or "Body Mass Index" is an important 1st step to determining how much weight should I lose. There are websites available to help you calculate your own BMI but the basic calculation, or scientific formula is:

Weight in pounds x 703 divided by (height in inches)²

If that sounds complicated you just need to find a calculator!

Once you have calculated this number, you will be able to see if your weight level is within the ideal weight range of how much weight I should lose. Here are a few BIM tips:
If your BMI is under 18.5, than you are considered to be underweight The ideal weight range is between 18.5 and 24, you should try to get your weight to within this range If your weight is between 25 and 30 you are overweight and should try to lose those extra pounds If your BMI is over 30 you are considered to be obese and definitely need to consider losing those extra pounds before it leads to health problems

Use this BMI index as a reference to help you decided how much weight should I lose. There are many factors that also play a big role in answering this question. For example:
age body structure height gender healthy history

These certain factors can cause 2 people who have say, the same height but have different ideal weights that are right for them. You can also easily schedule an appointment with your doctor, who will help you determine what your ideal weight should be.

A slow steady weight loss is the best plan to set in place and has seen the most success. You should plan on losing an average of a couple pounds each week, until you reach that ideal goal weight. Remember, when asking yourself, "How much weight should I lose?" break it down into achievable steps, and choose a well-rounded Diet & Fitness Program that provides you with the resources, motivation and support you need to reach your goals.

How Much Weight Should I Lose - Calculate Your Goal Weight
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