Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Brief Statements of Career Goals - 3 Great Examples of Successful Career Goals

It's important to set goals for yourself, especially when it involves your career. In order to achieve the greatest success possible, you have to firstly make sure that your goals are actually realistic and achievable. Continue reading for real life brief statements of career goals and some useful easy-to-follow steps that can help you get back on the fast track in your career.

What Are Your Goals?

In order to set attainable career goals, It's recommended that you start by reflecting on the following:
In 5 years from now, I want to be... I want to be earning at least... What are the skills I'll need to do this? Will I have to change my career in order to achieve this? "By asking yourself those simple questions, you'll start to get a clearer idea of what you really want from your career and what your going to have to do to achieve it."

Brief Statements of Career Goals - 3 Great Examples of Successful Career Goals

What Are Your Strengths And Skills?

This is Debbie's story...

Debbie worked a receptionist at a large shipping firm, but she wanted to be the CEO's executive assistant one day.

Debbie knew for a fact that she had the skills required to be a great executive assistant, but she wasn't sure how to achieve it.

She started helping other EA's with some small administrative tasks, but all her extra work was still going unnoticed.

Debbie decided that it was time to take action and make sure her work would no longer be ignored and told her manager about her goal. She also asked the manager if there were any training programs she could take up to improve her current skills even more.

The manager put Debbie straight into a training program, three months later she became the executive assistant to one of the director's in the company. She's still got a little way to go in order to achieve her main aim,which is EA to the company CEO. but she's now taken the first steps to getting there.

The lesson...

Determine which are your best strengths and make a list of them. Your strengths don't necessarily have to be work-related, just make sure you include all of your strong points. Remember, different strengths fit into different position's. Once you know which are your skills, you'll know what you're actually capable of achieving. The next step is to take action and make the most of those strengths! Read on for 2 more great brief statements of career goals...

Changing Careers With Your Current Skills

David's story...

David was an accounts manager for just about 7 years, but decided he needed a change. He liked the company he worked for and always got along well with his colleagues, but he wanted a more challenging role in the company.

So, David decided that he would keep using his management skills and build upon them, however it was unlikely that this was going to ever happen at the job he currently had, so he finally decided to change his career.

David now works as a sales manager for a much bigger and well-known corporation. His new target-based job gives him the challenge that he was searching for.

The lesson...

This is one of the best brief statements of career goals. In order to successfully change your career and capitalize on your skills, start off by taking a look at your current role and decide what you'd most like to change. This will give you a good idea of what you don't want to do in your next job so you can successfully find an opportunity more suited to your desires.

How to Obtain New Skills To Go For Your Dreams

Raquel's story...

Raquel had no high education and worked full-time in a clothes store. She had been working there since she left high school, but had always dreamed of a career in fashion. She loved clothes, but didn't want to just sell them.

Raquel knew that she had a small chance of getting a job in the fashion industry with her current skills and experience, so she decided to retrain. She kept her current job but worked part-time, which now supports her fashion and design training course.

The lesson...

When deciding on a new career, always be realistic. For example, if you want to be a teacher, but have absolutely no teaching credentials, it's going to be tough without taking further training. Think about what you want, but also find what it is you must do to make it happen.

All these brief statements of career goals exemplify how you can successfully and easily reach your career goals, regardless of what your current situation is. The key is to decide what it is you really want and then take the necessary action to make it happen. When you do this, success will be yours!

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Brief Statements of Career Goals - 3 Great Examples of Successful Career Goals
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