Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Goal Setting - Powerful Attitude, Goals and a Plan of Action Can Bring Your Dreams to Reality

Are you ready to make your dreams come true? Are you ready to be the person you want to be? It all starts with a dream, a vision; then we must refuel ourselves with a powerful attitude that will keep us going. Once we have the right attitude we are ready to set our goals and develop a plan of action.

Energize Yourself With A Powerful Attitude

People with a negative attitude have a hard time achieving their goals. They will say things like this: "I am not good enough." "I can't do it." "It's too hard." "I don't have the energy." "This isn't fun." It is difficult to accomplish anything with this attitude.

Goal Setting - Powerful Attitude, Goals and a Plan of Action Can Bring Your Dreams to Reality

My most successful clients have had all sorts of challenges, yet they have a whole different attitude and will make comments like this: "I love my job." "I face challenges head on with tenacity, enthusiasm and take charge of the problem." "I have the willpower and energy to get things done." "The sooner I take care of this problem, the sooner I can move on." "I look forward to completing my tasks daily." I can do it!"

Do you see the difference? A powerful, positive attitude is the fuel you need to get things done. What kind of attitude do you want to have? Give yourself a positive pep talk in the morning. Continue that pep talk during the day and you will have more energy to accomplish your tasks for the day.

Make Goal Setting a Habit

Now that you have refueled yourself with a powerful attitude you are ready to set your goals. Goal setting should be a habit. You set them and review them as needed. You don't set them and forget about them. Review them every morning and determine what tasks you are going to do each day to get you closer to your goal. Know where you are going. Goal setting can increase your self-confidence. Write down your goals now.

Be Clear and Concise with Your Plan of Action

If you don't know where you are going you will not get there. Define your goals and set a plan of action. Some questions you can ask are: 1) What do I want to do for the next 6 months, 12 months, 3 years, or more? 2) Why do I want that? Why is it important to me? 3) What steps (tasks) do I need to take to accomplish it?

The third step can be long and tedious, yet the more detailed you are the easier it will be to accomplish the goal.

Break Down the Tasks One Step at a Time

Define your goal(s) for the week. Identify the results you want, and decide what steps are needed to move forward. Always ask yourself, "What is the next step (task) I must take to get closer to my goal?" Now visualize that next step and identify any potential obstacles and determine how you will handle them. In other words be prepared for anything that might get in the way of achieving your goals. Set a time frame when the task will start and when you plan to finish it. Remember these are the tasks for the week that you will accomplish.

Get a Buddy to Support and Encourage You

Don't do this alone. Find a trusted colleague who is willing to help keep you on track. Phone or send e-mail messages once a week. Let your buddy know where you are and what needs to be achieved for the week. Your buddy's job is to be a cheerleader and ask you how you are doing with your weekly tasks. If you can't finish a weekly task carry it forward to the next week.

Always Know the Results You Want to Achieve

Have a clear vision of what you want the outcome to be. Identify what the next step is and keep the project moving. Now get your calendar or appointment book out and begin setting tasks to do the first week. Take the time every evening to review your goals, tasks that were done and task still to do. Organize them as needed and continue to review your list every day. Energize yourself with a powerful, positive attitude. Stick to your goals and don't let go until they are done. Goal setting can be fun with the right attitude.

Goal Setting - Powerful Attitude, Goals and a Plan of Action Can Bring Your Dreams to Reality
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